Thursday, May 23, 2013

Ten Reasons to Make a Call for the 2013 Farm Bill

You care about farmers and ensuring future access to local, sustainable food, right?! So here's your chance to make a difference. With just two calls, and perhaps a few clicks on online petitions, you can weigh in how our tax dollars are going to be spent on our food system.

Right now, our senators are deliberating the 2013 Farm Bill - the single most important piece of legislation that can help create a more sustainable food future for our country. Will our tax dollars continue supporting Big Ag, subsidies, pollution, junk-food companies and other private interests? Or, will amendments be passed to cap subsidies, preserve conservation programs, label GMOs, save food stamp funding, support public seed research, and bolster local food systems? The answer is: it's up to us. So here's what we've all got to do:

     Step 1: Select your talking points from the list below.

     Step 2: Call your senators. Click here to find them.

     Step 3: Thank them for representing your interests!

Below you'll find not just ten reasons to make the call, but ten amendments that our senators need to hear from us on. You can also check out the recommendations of these organizations too: Live Real, Center for Food Safety, and the Organic Trade Association, but whatever you do, you've got to do something for a more sustainable and equitable food system for all!

Ten 2013 Farm Bill Talking Points 

In addition to these, you may want to consider voicing your support for Senator Boxer's amendment #1027 to protect honey bees and native pollinators, which, according to the Center for Food Safety, have declined by over 45% since last winter due to pesticides and Big Ag. 

Thank you for all that you do for our farmers and local food!